About Us

We’re very passionate about bringing back rare and old pure Wyandotte lineages, specifically the Silver Laced variety. We hope to see more of these show and heritage lines coming back to popularity so that they can grace backyard flocks for generations to come.

Although we primarily focus on the Silver Laced Wyandotte variety, we support several local farms and conservancies that specialize in other heritage and other hard to find breeds.

Biosecurity Disclaimer

We take biosecurity very seriously. And by that, we mean to the extreme. We test our poultry often at recommended intervals, and are an active member and participate in the Texas Pullorum-Typhoid Program.

We take extreme measures to prevent cross contamination of poultry illnesses from outside sources, including people, shoes, and clothing.

In stating this, we observe more strict precautions for biosecurity than likely others you’ve come across. We adopted an NPIP approved biosecurity plan, and take the utmost caution in prevention of all poultry borne illnesses on our premises.

We hate to be so harsh, but we get asked a lot if people can “tour our pens” and see our beautiful birds. However, there are several viral and bacterial infections that can wreak havoc on flocks, and it is impossible to get out of coops and soil. This can happen if another poultry keeper has a disease on their premises, and uses the same shoes with that disease dust or dander to walk on our premises. This would infect all of our birds, and it’s something that we cannot risk, as we have put way too much time, money, and effort into our lines. For some of these diseases, this means culling entire flocks and starting over. However, even if you start over with a new flock, your birds will pick up the same illness, even months or years after, starting the lifecycle over because it lingers in the soil, as these diseases are extremely hard to get rid of. Some of the diseases are so resilient that they are also sent downline into eggs that hatch, infecting flocks across state lines.

We have been fortunate to not have any issues with disease, and we will continue to adhere strictly to our biosecurity plan and strive to continue to keep our premises disease free.

Due to this, any pickups at our location are in a designated area, and access to our flock and yard is off limits.

Texas NPIP #74-4609 Certified PT Clean